Di BE International, kami percaya bahwa perubahan berarti dimulai dari usaha bersama. Oleh karena itu, kami dengan bangga menyumbangkan dana sebesar RM300,000 (Rp 1,08 Miliar) kepada Program Dana Bantuan RM3 Juta Yayasan Sin Chew, sebuah inisiatif yang bertujuan mendukung 300 lembaga kesejahteraan di seluruh Malaysia.
Ini bukan sekadar bantuan finansial—ini tentang menanamkan harapan dan membawa cahaya baru bagi mereka yang membutuhkan. Bersama Yayasan Sin Chew, kami bertekad menciptakan dampak positif, menumbuhkan semangat kebersamaan, dan membangun masa depan yang lebih peduli serta penuh kasih sayang.
Kami akan terus melangkah maju, menghadirkan perubahan yang benar-benar berarti bagi komunitas yang membutuhkan.
BE International dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab memperkuat komitmennya terhadap tanggung jawab sosial korporat dengan memberikan sumbangan sebesar RM100,000 (Rp 360 Juta) kepada Tabung Kemanusiaan Media Prima-NSTP. Dana ini dialokasikan untuk mendukung operasi penyelamatan bagi anak-anak dengan masalah jantung, serta membantu menyediakan layanan penting seperti bantuan medis, bantuan bencana, dan pembangunan komunitas.
Melalui inisiatif mulia ini, BE International terus berperan aktif dalam memberikan dampak positif pada kehidupan masyarakat, membawa harapan dan dukungan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan.
Di BE International, kami memahami bahwa pendidikan adalah landasan kemajuan masyarakat dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Komitmen kami untuk memberdayakan generasi baru dicontohkan melalui peluncuran Program Back-To-School andalan kami baru-baru ini, di mana kami dengan bangga menyumbangkan perlengkapan sekolah penting kepada 821 siswa kurang mampu. Dengan berinvestasi dalam pendidikan mereka, kami tidak hanya membekali pelajar muda untuk pembelajaran mereka saat ini tetapi juga meletakkan dasar untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah dan lebih berkelanjutan.
Kami percaya bahwa mendukung pendidikan adalah komponen penting dari strategi ESG kami, yang mencerminkan visi kami untuk lebih mengangkat taraf hidup masyarakat dan memperkuat tatanan sosial. Tindakan kami saat ini membuka jalan bagi masa depan yang lebih inklusif, lebih berpendidikan, dan berkembang, menggemakan misi kami untuk mendorong perubahan yang bertanggung jawab dan menginspirasi pertumbuhan secara kolektif.
Dalam rangka Bulan Kesadaran Kanker Payudara, BE International dengan bangga menyumbangkan S$10,000 (Rp118 juta) kepada Breast Cancer Foundation (Singapura) melalui kampanye Support with Purpose: #AULORAPinkSupport.
Kampanye ini mencerminkan komitmen kami untuk mendukung kesejahteraan masyarakat. Melalui inisiatif ini, kami bertekad untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, menyalakan harapan, serta mengedukasi pentingnya deteksi dini kanker demi masa depan yang lebih bermakna.
Sebagai bagian dari komitmen kami yang berkelanjutan terhadap dampak sosial, BE International dengan bangga telah menyumbangkan RM200,000 (Rp 720 Juta) kepada Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA), yang akan dialokasikan untuk Program Beasiswa MAKNA (2024/2025) guna meringankan beban finansial pendidikan bagi para penyintas kanker dan anak-anak pasien kanker.
Donasi yang signifikan ini mencerminkan dedikasi kami dalam memberdayakan individu-individu tangguh ini untuk meraih tujuan pendidikan mereka dan menggapai masa depan yang lebih cerah.
Kami tetap teguh pada misi kami untuk memberikan dampak positif bagi kehidupan mereka yang terdampak kanker. Bersama-sama, kami berkomitmen untuk membangun masa depan yang lebih kuat bagi mereka yang membutuhkan serta memberikan kontribusi demi kesejahteraan masyarakat.
BE International menerapkan inisiatif hijau melalui program BEleaf Tree Planting, dimana lebih dari 150 IBO dan staf perusahaan menanam 1.000 anakan pohon di Hutan Simpan Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur. Upaya ini, bekerja sama dengan Jabatan Perhutanan Wilayah Persekutuan, juga mendukung Program Penghijauan Malaysia: Kempen Penanaman 100 Juta Pokok.
Sebagai tanda solidaritas dengan masyarakat, BE International telah menyumbangkan RM100,000, dengan tambahan RM20,000 dari para pemimpinnya kepada Sin Chew Foundation untuk membantu masyarakat kurang mampu. Inisiatif-inisiatif ini tidak hanya mendorong Malaysia menuju pertumbuhan ramah lingkungan namun juga memperkuat komitmen BE International dalam mendorong perubahan sosial yang positif.
BE International dengan bangga menyatakan komitmennya sekali lagi terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan menyumbang RM1,500,000.00 untuk pembangunan UTAR Hospital. Kontribusi ini mencerminkan dukungan kami terhadap kemajuan di bidang perawatan kesehatan dan pembangunan lingkungan medis berteknologi tinggi.
Sebagai warga korporasi yang bertanggung jawab, kami dengan senang hati mendukung upaya penggalangan dana UTAR Hospital, yang juga berperan penting dalam membentuk masa depan yang lebih sehat dan sejahtera bagi masyarakat setempat. Di BE International, kami percaya bahwa setiap donasi dapat memberikan dampak positif, sejalan dengan nilai-nilai inti dan tanggung jawab sosial kami.
BE International has proudly renewed its partnership with World Vision in the 30-Hour Famine program, reflecting its unwavering commitment to global issues, particularly hunger and malnutrition. As a premium sponsor, BE International donated RM100,000 and 5,000 sachets of BElixz SlendezMeal, underscoring its dedication to driving positive change. Together, we aim to raise awareness about hunger while actively contributing to its reduction.
BE International’s significant donations showcase its genuine commitment to the cause. This contribution will directly impact crucial initiatives to combat hunger and support vulnerable communities.
No one has ever become poor by giving. – Anne Frank
Due to multiple days of heavy rain in Johor, tens of thousands of refugees have been displaced by floods. This disaster has caused incalculable losses to many.
Even through the ruthless flood, it could not wash away our will to help. We take our social responsibilities very seriously, and feel that it is our duty to provide relief to the affected victims. Therefore, we wasted no time in providing aid, staying true to our goal of going “BEyond Inspiring Minds, Touching Lives for Eternity”.
BE International and its leaders acted immediately in the wake of the disaster, and a total of RM150,000 was swiftly donated to the disaster relief effort that is being jointly launched by the Sin Chew Daily Foundation, Fo Guang Shan, and Fo Guang Association to provide disaster relief and practical support for the victims.
A cheque has already been forwarded by Ho Huey In, Head of President Office, C.M.Wong, Head of Business Operations, and leaders RCCA T.Y.Low, RCCA Woon Chin Yin, and RCCA Jaslyn Yeoh, to the Executive Director of the Sin Chew Daily Foundation.
The recent flash flood has inundated SJAM-KPS Haemodialysis Centre located in Taman Sri Muda. 16 dialysis machines with its medical equipment were totally damaged.
BE International immediately reached out and responded to their fundraising effort by donating 5 dialysis machines to Yayasan St John Ambulans Malaysia – Kawasan Pantai Selangor (SJAM-KPS Foundation). BE International management team , CM Wong (Head of Corporate Operations) and Ho Huey In (Head of Corporate Services) were at SJAM-KPS Haemodialysis Centre to hand over the dialysis machines to the center’s person in charge Phuah Kin Leong, hoping this would help the centre to commence its operation and provide treatments for deserving dialysis patients as soon as possible.
BE International continues to follow through on its commitments to go BEyond Inspiring Minds, Touching Lives for Eternity.
After days of torrential downpours hitting various parts of Malaysia, the livelihood of many people has been affected. Concerned about the aftermath of the disaster, BE International donated RM200,000 to the flood relief donation program jointly organized by the Sin Chew Daily Foundation to help provide emergency rescue, assistance and post-disaster reconstruction needs.
BE International has once again proactively taken action to help the victims affected by this misfortune overcome the difficulties and rebuild their homes. We hope that this initiative can inspire more people to join us and show their love and warmth together.
Staying true to BE’s culture of contributing to good causes, the family members of BE International are supporting Yayasan Sin Chew’s efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic through a collective donation of RM128,611 to medical frontliners.
Following the first and second cycle of donations to Yayasan Sin Chew to aid medical frontliners and underprivileged students previously in the year 2020, this donation is the third consecutive time that BE has joined hands with Yayasan Sin Chew through the unified goal of giving back to society.
Steadfast to BE’s slogan of Beyond Inspiring Minds, Touching Lives for Eternity, giving is a never-ending journey.
BE International has extended the sponsorship to World Vision Child Sponsorship Program ( Vietnam & Myanmar ) from 2021 to 2024.
We continue to provide financial aid to 100 children from Vietnam and Myanmar for the next 3 years. The renewal of child sponsorship will be a continuation of the previous sponsorship program which started in 2018.
With the recent spike in COVID-19 cases and news of our hospitals being overwhelmed, it’s more vital than ever to ensure our front liners are adequately supported as they continue to battle the pandemic on a daily basis. In light of this, BE International has intensified its efforts in arming, strengthening and fortifying medical professionals in their noble efforts. By harnessing the power of its network, the company has donated 20 units of Portable Patient Monitor, 10 units of Oxygen Regulator with Schrader, and 100 units of Oxygen Regulator 3-Pin Index to the COVID Response Unit at Sungai Buloh Hospital.
With the recent spike in COVID-19 cases and news of our hospitals being overwhelmed, it’s more vital than ever to ensure our front liners are adequately supported as they continue to battle the pandemic on a daily basis. In light of this, BE International has intensified its efforts in arming, strengthening and fortifying medical professionals in their noble efforts. By harnessing the power of its network, the company has donated 20 units of Portable Patient Monitor, 10 units of Oxygen Regulator with Schrader, and 100 units of Oxygen Regulator 3-Pin Index to the COVID Response Unit at Sungai Buloh Hospital.
Under the leadership of our 3 founders, the top 40 leading distributors of BE International, the RCCAs, have once again shown their love and dedication by donating RM 129,000 to Yayasan Sin Chew “WeCare – Sponsor-A-Child” Program to support 43 students in an effort to change the lives of these future leaders.
BE International is the recipient of the 3G Best CSR Campaign Award 2021 by Global Good Governance (3G) Awards organized by the Cambridge International Financial Advisory!
This award is a significant milestone for BE International, as it reminds us that doing greater good is a never-ending journey.
BE International has been awarded the “𝐒𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 & 𝐂𝐒𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎”!
Since establishment, BE International has always adhered to its values in Corporate Social Responsibility. Our efforts to actively promote charitable causes in addition to helping the underprivileged have led us to this esteemed award.
In the future, BE International will continue pursuing charitable efforts for the society, as well as contribute to its sustainable development.
The Heart Foundation of Malaysia was established by a small group of dedicated and concerned lay people who were determined to make an impact on the control of heart and blood vessel disease. BE International had come up with RM 100,000.00 to support the Yayasan Jantung Malaysia’s programmes and activities.
In 2019, we have contributed over RM100,000 to support the Foundation’s education and advocacy programmes. BE International also successfully organised a Breast Cancer Awareness Forum in November 2019 as part of our efforts to increase public knowledge of breast cancer.
Asia Responsibility Enterprise Awards (AREA) is a programme that recognises and honours businesses that have performed sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in their business. There are 6 categories in total, which are: Green Leadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment, Corporate Governance and Responsible Business Leadership.
BE International is honoured and awarded with AREA in Social Empowerment category with the CSR done with World Vision Malaysia.
Organised by Sin Chew Daily and recognised by the Malaysia Ministry of Health, the award is aimed to grant the assurance of the commitment contributed by the corporate brand among the industry. The CSR award has assured BE International’s effort in improving the community welfare and well-being.
BE International will continue to promote and uplift the corporate culture of caring the society so that more people in need can be benefited.
World Vision is an international humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children and families to overcome extreme poverty and injustice. During the time of 2018, BE International had accumulated a total of RM 360,000.00 to support the vision. It has sponsored 50 kids from Myanmar and 50 kids from Vietnam respectively to date.
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